Thursday, September 10, 2009

My Sweet Baby Boy

We have officially hit the 6 month mark. No more newborn baby here... fully bouncing baby boy. We are rolling around, eating oatmeal, bananas, and applesauce, and screaming at the top of our lungs when we don't get what we want. Oh joy. But with a smile like that, who could hold it against him?


Craig and Bethany said...

Oh MAN! Those pictures are AWESOME. Wish I could make chubby cheeks look that cute. Sweet boy. I'd place an order for three or four more of those if I were you. :) Kiss those cheeks for me!

Marcy said...

What a cutie! He is just adorable.

Lori said...

Great pictures, Cerissa! He's got an awesome smile... and lots to smile about!

Alyce Dreewes said...

yep. irresistible.

Susan Cowger said...

The leggings and hat--oh mercy!

That smilin' business is a third born skill. I know because I am one. It is an olive branch extended that never fails, or only rarely. When you are as cute as he is, well, why use anything else?!

Love that Jude-o (aka Humpty Dumpty :)).

Keisha Valentina said...

Oh, he is just beautiful! I am an old friend of Bethany and Daniel's... hope to meet you soon as we are moving back to Spokane. I hear you have quite the little family community! :)

Love, Keisha