Wednesday, April 1, 2009

UPDATE -- Baby Gabe

YES!  He looks good!  The surgery went well for little Gabriel.  The doctor was surprised by the size of the muscle swelling, which means it must have been feeling pretty bad for the little guy.  But overall, the surgery was a success!

Gabriel has been eating and nursing since late last night and it looks like he is keeping the food down.  Thank you Lord!

The family is hoping to go home today, but may need to stay one more night for observation.  

Thank you all for your prayers, I know Barbi and Mo felt peace and were comforted through that stressful time.


Susan Cowger said...

Thank you, Father, for answering us when we call, for untold mercies and grace we can hold in our hands. Amen.

Craig and Bethany said...

Abundant blessing. Thanks God, thanks.

Lori said...

Yea! :)