Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Everyday Faith

"Dear Jesus: Thank you for my food. Please help Daddy and the Lone Ranger to shoot my pistol very good today. In Jesus' name, Amen."

"...He gathers the lambs in His arms

and carries them close to His heart..."

Isaiah 40:11

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Video-a-thon Day 5


So it's 2 days late, but who's counting, right?

Two things I have learned during this week long theme post:

1. Children do not do the same thing twice (especially when you have to run to get the camera, wait for it to turn on, then point it right in their face.... yes.... not the same).

2. Inevitably when you capture something really cute or funny on camera, you will find that for some reason or another IT DID NOT RECORD. I am actually surprised my camera is still alive and working (I almost hurled it across the room to it's sudden death more than once).

Enjoy these last two videos... because I may never video again...

A little dance for the babies by Thad.  The only words I understand are "dance, dance" and "two ba-bies".

Just a little slice of life from our house to yours.  About every third time Daniel walks by the piano, he hammers out this song or one similar... and the kids love it.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Video-a-thon Day 4


We love Uncle Strom and look forward to the special times when he has leave from the Army and comes and visits. Here is a little tribute to one of Logan's favorite people (unfortunately, the sound is a bit garbled, but eh, what can you expect from the cheapy little video option built in to your camera):

P.S. I don't even want to think about his first comment regarding joining the army... that could never happen... right?....

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Video-a-thon Day 3


(keeping in mind that 2 month old babies are not generally too exciting, but oh so lovable)

Jude Dana... 12 weeks old and just on the cusp of a full belly giggle.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Video-a-thon Day 2


A couple of serious risk takers...

Note: Water from sprinkler is approximately 6 inches high.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Video-a-thon Day 1

Yep, that is correct... all videos, all week long.

Just for fun, here is the previous video that sums up Thad's 2-year-old independent spirit (the nice way of putting it). This is what happens when you tell a 2 year old to "go ride your motorcycle REALLY FAST!":